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Beach Management Update 20 February 2025

Instow Parish Council Meeting from Cllr. Johnson

Approvals Secured:
NE approval for CDE to relocate beach sand.
NE approval for Highways to return cleared sand to the beach.
Beach Side (CDE Update):

CDE's sand removal plan is detailed (2m from wall, 0.5m below drainage).
Marines' assistance is limited due to equipment and availability.

Contractor quotes are high (over £200k + VAT).
Cost variance is due to differing sand volume estimates, but when adjusted, costs are similar.

CDE is reviewing the scale and management of the project due to resource constraints.

High tides are expected to naturally remove some sand.
Land Side (Highways/Community):

Highways can return sand to the beach, in front of the dunes.
Community sand clearance requires Highways' "sanction" to be covered by the NE approval.

Potential Considerations and Questions:

Cost Management:
The £200k+ quotes are a significant concern. What options are being explored to reduce costs?
Can the scope of work be phased to spread costs?

What are the exact cost differences between the quotes adjusted for sand volume?

CDE Resource Constraints:

How will CDE address the lack of internal resources? Will they outsource project management?

What are the timelines for CDE to solve the resource issue?
Marines' Role:
Even with limited assistance, can the Marines contribute to specific tasks to reduce contractor costs?
Community Involvement:

How is the process of obtaining Highways' "sanction" for community sand clearance progressing?

What are the specifics of how the community can help? Where, when, and how?
Clear communication to the community will be very important.

High Tides:
How will the natural sand removal from high tides be assessed and factored into the CDE plan?

How will the team monitor the sand movement caused by the high tides?

The drainage area opposite the boathouse seems to be a key area. Is there a plan in place to insure the drainage is working correctly after the sand removal?

It would be helpful to have a clearer timeline for each stage of the project.

Continued clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders (agencies, community, etc.) is crucial.


This update provides an overview of the current situation.
The focus on cost management and resource constraints is particularly important.
Addressing the potential considerations and questions will help ensure the project progresses effectively.
Full Appendix see below.

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20th February 2025

Update on Beach Management released to the Press on 2nd February 2025

Process underway for managing Instow sand issue.

An action plan for better managing problems with sand build up and flooding in Instow was agreed at a recent meeting of stakeholder.

The plan lays out the framework for executing short term actions to remove sand, which has built up as a result of winter storms, while agreeing to review/revise the existing beach management plan to address issues in the longer term.

The meeting, held at All Saints Community Centre in the village on January 16th, included representatives from Instow Parish Council, Christie Estate, Natural England, the North Devon, Biosphere, the Environment Agency, Devon County Highways and its safety contractor and North Devon District Council’s engineering team.

Parish councillor, Eliot Johnson, who gave a report to January’s Instow parish council meeting, said, “It was refreshing and encouraging to see these various interests gathered in the same room.
While there was an acknowledgement that there was no ‘silver bullet’ there was great willingness on all sides to work together to better manage the issue in the short and long term.”

Local residents have called for action following sand movement caused by winter storms and the effects of flooding which have affected the road and residences and businesses on the seafront road.

Meeting attendees acknowledged the complexity of the situation.
Instow beach is owned in part by the Christie Estate and, as a protected SSSI site, is under the jurisdiction of Natural England, as well as being part of the North Devon Biosphere.
The national importance of the beach, estuary and sand dunes means various regulations are in place to fulfil the need for sensitive management.

Nevertheless, at the meeting, all parties agreed to the fast tracking of actions and permissions to allow for more flexibility for a short term fixed period to allow the issue to be alleviated.
This process is now underway while plans are being developed and resources identified to carry out the agreed sand movement project.

For background:

The Instow beach and dunes are part of Taw Torridge Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

The dunes are not only part of an important SSSI they also play a very significant role in coastal protection and coastal flood risk management.

To enable the coastal dunes to carry out these important functions they require an adequate supply of sand which is why it is important to
return the sand to the dunes.

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Update on the management of the Sand

Appendix 3 within the Instow Parish Council Minutes – 16 January 2025

Cllr Johnson Report

Representatives from:

Christie Estate, Natural England, the North Devon Biosphere, the Environment Agency, Devon County Highways plus their safety contractor, North Devon District Council's engineering team and Cllr Johnson from IPC council all attended the meeting held at All Saints Community Centre in the village on January 16th 2025.

The meeting agreed that there are several stage’s.

Immediate work to be done.

An emergency license for 6-months has been applied for to clear away down below the levels of the drains and for executing short term actions to remove sand, which has built up as a result of winter storms. All parties agreed to the fast tracking of permissions to allow for more flexibility for a short-term fixed period to allow the issue to be alleviated. This process is now underway while plans are being developed and resources identified to carry out the agreed sand movement project.
An action plan for better managing problems with sand build up and flooding in Instow was agreed at a recent meeting.

What plans for the future of certain period time.

The meeting reviewed the historical reports previously developed and agreed that rather than re-inventing the wheel these would be used as the basis of developing future options but the time scale would be extended to 50 years rather than the 20 year basis previously used.

Meeting attendees acknowledged the complexity of the situation.
Instow beach is owned in part by the Christie Estate and, has a protected SSSI designation covering part of the site, and under the jurisdiction of Natural England, while forming part of the North Devon Biosphere. Historically this has created confusion around the removal and relocation of sand build-up on the roads by DDC Highways.


DCC are due to attend a second visit, to clear up the sand on the road and pavement’s however, it is a triage system. Other issues within the County have taken priority. They can come along and just close the road. The 6-month licence would then see the parish through to the storms and spring high tides. If there is a need to apply for a longer licence this would be actioned. This team will be working closely outside these meetings, Cllr Johnson will be engaging as duty liaison officer with all parties on a regular basis.

Cost implications

A budget costing will be developed for the operations once it is agreed on the scope of the activities – amount of sand, current location, approved relocation shite - as agreed in the consents issued.

Updates – When new information is available see the IPC website or attend the February Parish Council Meeting on 20.02.25 at 19:00
Bench of preferred type on Marine Parade

Benches along Marine Parade

The Parish Council holds a waiting list for the opportunity to place a bench along Marine Parade. For further details, please see our Bench Policy in the link.

Bench Policy

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