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Instow Parish Council

Beach Management Update 20 February 2025

Report to February Instow Parish Council Meeting from Cllr. Eliot Johnson

Approvals update

Since the original meeting was held the applications have been submitted to NE and Assents have been received to: -

1. CDE to relocate sand from the beach to in front of the current Dunes.

2. Highways to return and sand cleared from the pavements and road back onto the beach.

However, it should be remembered that we are still dealing with multiple agencies requiring continued various inputs and checks.

Beach side of the wall

CDE update.

In parallel with the submission of the application the methodology and cost of clearing the sands have been developed and reviewed by CDE.

Their original plan was to remove the sand up to 2m away from the wall to a depth of 0.5m below the drainage channels and clear the drainage area opposite the Boathouse. Contractors and the Marines were asked to review the proposed sand removal and comment / quote.

The Marines, via IPC liaison, stated their willingness to assist. However, during discussion they noted that they would not be able to take on the whole operation. This is because they do not have all the necessary equipment nor the ongoing availability of their own kit due to training commitments.

Three contactors have also been contacted to review the proposed work. Two of these have provided quotes. On comparison like-for-like operation gave costings of over £200k and vat. They are awaiting the third quote.

It should be noted that although the value of the quotes submitted were markedly different when they were adjusted to reflect an equivalent volume of sand to be removed their projected costs were not that different. NB: The variation in volume of sand to move was due to some sand being washed out in the two days between visits!


Based on the costs received and the limit of the Marines support, the size and scale of the sand removal is being reviewed by CDE. CDE are also looking into how the project could be managed as they do not currently have resources available in-house.


It should also be noted that at the end of the month and start of next we have several high tides – a couple over 8m – so we will hopefully see a further removal of sand as we did on the last set of high tides.

Land side of the sea wall

Devon Highways Sand Clearance

Devon Highways have received approval from NE to place sand back on the beach rather than having to clear it to another site. To ensure it does not blow back onto the road the sand will be relocated in front of the dunes as per the CDE sand movement.

Community Sand Clearance

The approval from NE to Devon Highways only covers their work to move sand – NOT anyone else. However, although NE would likely turn a blind eye, I am also engaging with Devon Highways to have them ‘sanction’ the local community to move sand on their behalf and they would then be covered.

20th February 2025