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Cyclist on the Tarka Trail by the Signal Box at Instow


As well as the coastal footpath and the Tarka Trail passing through,  Instow is lucky to have several footpaths. The images below describe a route of moderate difficulty (there is a hill) which takes the walker out of the village on a circular route through scenic countryside with panoramic views. The first map is taken from the book “Instow – A History” by Dr Alison Grant and Others and show the area in which the route is located. The maps which follow are arranged to take the walker from a start point in the Sandhills car park and to return to the village via Instow Town. The reverse direction is equally enjoyable!

Map of circular route from the book 'Instow - A History' by Dr Alison Grant & Others showing the South West Coast Path, Tarka Trail and registered footpaths around Instow

Stage 1 - map showing the path from Sandhills to Marsh Lane, Instow

Stage 2 - map showing Marsh Lane to the B3233 at West Yelland

Stage 3 - map showing Welch's Lane leading from the B3233 to Instow Town

Stage 4 - map showing Instow Town to Worlington

Stage 5 - map showing Worlington to Instow at Millard’s Hill

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